Hello and welcome to my web site. Here you will discover 1:12 scale porcelain fine art dolls for the Discerning Collector.
All of my dolls are sculpted from porcelain. Working entirely alone and initially using commercially available molds, I then meticulously sculpt in to the wet clay sharpening facial features and adding details which I consider to be an integral part of the doll making process. My dolls have incredibly realistic and highly detailed facial features, achieved with multiple sessions of painstaking painting and firing. Only when I am entirely happy with the newly painted piece will I then begin the laborious process of costuming. I thoroughly research every minute detail of the costume to be made. Preferring to use my own hand-made patterns, which I simplify from original fashion plates from the period, I only dress my dolls and couture items in the finest natural fabrics I can find such as the finest of silks and vintage laces and trims which spill out from my numerous drawers within my workroom.
Attention to every aspect of my creation no matter how small, is of the utmost importance to me, whether it be the sculpting, painting, costuming, wigging and accessorising, I continually strive for perfection and I aim to grow as a doll artist while I keep learning with each new piece.
I hope you enjoy your visit to my web site, should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.